May simultaneously felt like 2 years and 2 seconds. I don't know how else to explain it. On one hand, the days went by so slowly and I wasted a lot of time. But on the other hand, I didn't get to do much of what I wanted to do.
Generally, when I do wrap-ups, I try to keep an upbeat and positive mood. But this month, I just don't have the energy for it. I'll still try to filter it but this is just a quick disclaimer that this post may be more somber than usual. If you're not in a place to hear about other people's woes, you may want to skip this post.
Okay now that I've sufficiently warned you about my mood, let's move on.
words on the blog
I posted 7 blog posts in May. I'm okay with the number but I'm not happy with the fact that I didn't post any helpful posts. I have multiple ideas but I kept pushing them off because I did not have the energy and, before I knew it, the month is over.
My goal is to put up at least one blog post in the following categories every month: books, blogging, bullet journalling and Kdramas, but May saw me post only about books and Kdramas. So, I'm a little disappointed about that.
But it's okay. My blog is currently a hobby and I need to put less pressure on myself about it. Sometimes, life and other priorities take over and it's okay to not work on the blog as much.
The posts that I'm proud of this month are:
- 10 Queer Adult Romance Books That You Will Love
- Book Review: You've Reached Sam by Dustin Thao
- Tale of the Nine Tailed || Korean Drama Review
On the plus side, my blog has started to rank for multiple keywords on search engines! I am happy to see views coming in from search engines. It means I'm doing things right, SEO-wise.
My blog's domain authority went up to 13! The fact that it went up to 13 in 3 months of blogging means a LOT. I'm making back all the credibility that I lost when I moved my blog. So I'm happy about the progress.

My newsletter has over 90 subscribers now which is HUGE. OMG?! It is surreal to think about 90 people receiving emails from me every month. Hopefully, I can live up to the expectations and provide good content.
As for the resource library, I was able to add only one freebie to it. While my goal has been to add only one a month, it feels weird when I don't surpass my goals, you know? I may be toxic with my productivity but we will not talk about it today.
This month's freebie was a set of Pinterest templates. I find using templates for Pinterest images so helpful because the colour scheme etc. is in place and I just have to replace text and images. So I'm sharing some templates to make it easier for y'all too.
If you haven't already, sign up to my newsletter and get access to the resource library through the form below! My next newsletter edition goes out tomorrow.
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words on books
I read 14 books in May! The number would have been more if I didn't fall into a semi-slump in the last week or so. So the total number of books I've read this year so far is 69. That's a lot, especially considering that I don't have an annual reading goal to work towards.
While I read some great books in May, none of them were.. mentally stimulating? Except 2, all of them were romance books. There is nothing wrong with that but I like to read multiple genres so reading only one feels a little stale.
But also, I understand why I read mostly romance books. I did not have the energy to consider what other books to pick and I wanted quick escapism most of the time.
My best books of May were:
- Drag Me Up by R. M. Virtues. This Hades and Persephone retelling was everything. *chef's kiss*
- One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston. I'm so glad I was able to get an ALC because this was so good. Read my review here.
- Dial A for Aunties by Jesse Q. Sutanto. This book provided the best escapism for me. It was hilarious and wonderful. I do have a few tiny complaints about it but overall, it was great.
- What Are The Odds? by R. M. Virtues. This author's books are FIRE. This estranged-best-friends-to-lovers book ticked all the boxes for me. And the steam, oof. *fans self*
- Ace of Spades by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé. The only amazing read that was not a romance. I could not stop reading until I finished it.

words by other bloggers
While my blogging was not very satisfactory for me, reading other blogs made me content. I took out hours every weekend to just catch up on blogs and go blog-hopping and commenting. It is one of my favourite things to do.
Here are some amazing posts that you should check out as well:
- Lay explained how she picks what to read as a mood reader and it was interesting to see how a fellow mood reader decides.
- Marie shared her self-hosting experience with some advice.
words on life
In last month's wrap-up, I said that I want to concentrate on putting out good content and keeping my mental health up. Funny how I barely managed those and don't feel satisfied with either. I also barely drew anything for most of the month so I'm not satisfied with my art as well.
The second wave in India is still ongoing and it is hard. Our lockdown has not ended yet and it may get extended. I lost my only close cousin last week. My family is barely keeping up with daily activities. I have no idea how I'm working every day because it feels so pointless. I hear more and more sad news every day.
Keeping in mind all of that and more, whatever I did manage in May is more than enough, I think. Productivity and hitting goals are not possible when my mind is wandering every day and I'm barely able to concentrate on anything.
One way to notice my mental health slipping is my decrease in tolerance for texting and conversation. I barely want to talk to anyone right now. I have spurts of "good mood" where I text friends and I go off-grid for the rest of the time.

There was one good life thing in May which was a result of me rewarding myself in the beginning of the month. April wasn't great and I just wanted to be happy and get myself something. So I got an iPad! Along with a cute pink flip cover. It reached me only last week and has been the only good thing in my days.
After setting it up, I immediately got Procreate and started playing with it. It is very different compared to Krita and is a whole new software to learn, but it will allow me to draw more often. I want to draw more and become better at digital art so having an iPad and Procreate will help.
Right now, I'm trying small and easy drawings so that I get used to the software and understand all of the tools available. I haven't drawn anything worth posting on the blog. But I am posting my amateur work on my Instagram so you can follow me there to see more of my work.
Another good thing was me finally getting my first vaccine dose! I've been struggling to get a slot for the vaccine for weeks and finally got one for this morning. I got the shot just a few hours back, and I'm so relieved. Sure, I'm not fully vaccinated yet but at least the process is started.
I recognize that I'm very privileged to be able to even afford the vaccine dose which costs more than double the average daily wage in India. I won't start on the mismanagement and corruption that has risen through the pandemic and vaccination. But I'd just like to say: if you're able to, get vaccinated!!!
Now my only concern is having a bad allergic reaction because I'm very allergic to medicines in general (even the most common tablet prescribed for a cold). Keeping my fingers crossed!
I have zero goals for June. Hopefully, I'll post some good blog posts and draw more often on the iPad. But it is all right if I don't do that well.
One thing that did help in May was writing guest posts for other blogs. I wrote three guest posts, and I liked the quality of all of them. Weirdly, writing posts for other blogs was cathartic and took some pressure away. So I may do a couple more in June as well.
Let's see! Hopefully, June is better than May.
be wordy with me?
How was your May? Did you have a good month or not-so-good month? Did you read any good books? Tell me in the comments!

This was in May but I feel the blog post's effect even now ? yup people are getting vaccinated and I'm so happy about it !! You had a pretty tough month and let's just hope that you're doing way better than back then
Months feel like days and years at the same time ? you also for vaccinated nowww! soon you'll be fully vaccinated. thank you ?
You are doing enough. You also deserve to rest and just be a potato if that's what you need *squishes in a hug* Yay for the progress on your SEO ranking though and your content is all amazing whether it's a 'helpful post' or not. I adore your posts regardless! I second the feeling of May lasting both 2 years and 2 seconds. I've never liked May though, it's always been a bad month for me and mental health since I can remember >.> Hopefully our June's go better <3
Thank you, Clo ? I hope our June's are better too!
I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin and how much India is struggling. I also don't think you should feel bad for not publishing any "helpful" posts. Your content is ALWAYS amazing and your bookish posts are always helpful for people to find new books. I hate to hear you feeling down about your content because you're one of the best creators at the moment! <3 I hope June is a lot happier for you. Congrats on your DA score as well! xxxx
Thank you so much, Jenny! That means a lot, coming from you! I hope you have a great June as well ?
Thank you so much for sharing my post, I'm so happy you enjoyed it! And congratulations on all of your blog's progress, that's fantastic and so well deserved! 🙂
Thank you, Marie! And no problem ?
Congrats on your SEO and DA progress, that's amazing! I love seeing which posts of mine rank well and bring in search traffic, it's incredibly rewarding.
I hope you have a wonderful June!
Thank you so much, Kal!
Loved reading these updates! I agree with you, May was a heavy month. I feel like I'm just starting to catch up! Congrats on your email list growing! x
Lynn |
Thank you! Hope you have a better month ahead x
Oh I know what you mean about May! It was such a strange month. I think it rained so much that those days just seemed to merge together!
Seems like you had a good month, glad to hear your SEO efforts are going well. Enjoy the iPad!
Corinne x
Thank you, Corinne!
hi sumedha! aww it's great that your blog did better in may, but sorry to hear about your mental health, please take care of yourself!! ooh i'm glad that you enjoyed ace of spades, i'm excited to get to that one! hope june treats you better! ❤️
Thank you, Cherelle! ?