Going through a blogging slump is hard, but coming back to blogging from a slump is even harder.
Our lives are not constant and we are bound to have low periods in every part of our lives, including blogging. It is hard to blog consistently for a long time without ever facing a blogging slump or blogging burnout.
What matters more is getting back to blogging after a slump and that can be difficult too. It is not easy to pick up where we left off.
I've been blogging for over 6 years and have faced several blogging slumps. Because of that, I've tried many things to get back into blogging and know the best ways to get excited about blogging again.
If you are in a blogging slump and want to get back to blogging but are not able to, this post is for you. I'm sharing different ways to get out of a blogging slump along with miscellaneous advice and tips to make sure that you don't go right back into a slump.
- why do blogging slumps occur?
- if you haven't yet, take a proper break!
- 1. read several other blogs
- 2. read your blog
- 3. write daily
- 4. do something blog-related that is not writing/content creation
- 5. write an easy post
- 6. change your blogging routine
- 7. change the theme of your blog
- 8. make a new blog
- in summary
- endnotes
why do blogging slumps occur?
Firstly, it is not a failure to go through a slump!
A blogging slump is a situation where you are unable to blog as much as you want to. It can show up as not having ideas, energy, or the time to spend on your blog. More often than not, blogging slumps are due to blogging burnouts.
All bloggers have gone through them. It can happen even if you love blogging. Being in a slump does not signify that you failed or are letting your readers down. Trust me, your readers and friends care about your well-being more than reading a new post every week.
More often than not, blogging slumps and burnouts are signs that you are not able to keep up with the routine. It is the same with any type of slump, really. You can be in a reading slump, career burnout, or something else, and it is always a sign that something isn't working for you anymore.
Before focusing on getting back to blogging, think about why you were in the slump. Knowing that can help you prevent it from happening in the future.
Here are some known causes of blogging slumps or burnouts:
- Too much blogging. Blogging as a passion can be dangerous. We will be excited and want to do all the things. As of now, I do so much more for this blog than just writing posts. Because of that, I can't publish three posts a week. Check whether you are expecting too much out of yourself. If yes, that is a straight road to burnout.
- Real life requires more time. Compared to other hobbies, any type of online content creation is inevitably treated as a job even if it is not. You wouldn't expect yourself to regularly paint or do another hobby (that is not shared online) if your life was too busy. But we still expect ourselves to create content. That is another straight road to burnout.
- Change in content preferences. If you're blogging in a specific niche and that niche is not as interesting to you anymore, your motivation can go down leading to a blogging slump. Evaluate if your current content and blog aesthetic is still interesting to you. If you don't like it, it will not work.
- Statistics obsession. If you have a habit of looking at your blog stats often and expect too much out of it, it can demotivate you. The number 1 rule that all bloggers should follow is don't look at stats regularly. Saying it is easier than doing it but any progress is progress.
Whether your slump was caused by one of the above or something else, it is worth looking at and considering seriously. Doing the same things will produce the same result. So check what you were doing and change it.
Of course, knowing what caused your slump will help you prevent it in the future but might not necessarily help you to get out of it. That's where this post comes in!

if you haven't yet, take a proper break!
I know I know, this sounds counterintuitive but it actually helps you the most. Taking a break gives you the time and space to heal, energize, and get motivated again.
When I say a break, I mean taking a clean break from blogging and not thinking about it. Do other things without thinking "I should be blogging right now." That is not a good time off.
Breaks can help you find inspiration from new things and get a new perspective. You may start something new and realize that you can blog about it. Or you might understand how you work better through different routines and that will help you have a better blogging schedule.
During my slump in 2021, I ended up taking an unplanned hiatus because I simply did not have the time to blog. I got time about a month later but gave myself another month off. It was the first time that I let myself take a proper break and it did wonders for my well-being. Eventually, I felt restless to get back to blogging. Taking a good break can make you excited to get back to blogging.
Here are some things you can do during your break:
- Spend time on other hobbies. Most of us have multiple hobbies. Because blogging is a beast, it can slowly take up all of our time. During your break, do the other hobbies that you've been neglecting.
- Go out with friends and family, or even new people. I don't go out much but I went out the most during my 2021 break. Even my friends were surprised that I was out both days of the weekend every weekend. I wouldn't have spent that much time outside if I was blogging so it was new. And I really enjoyed it!
- Catch up on TV shows, movies, etc. I don't know about you but I tend to not watch much video content when I have other things to do. I always utilize my breaks to catch up on TV shows. And more often than not, they make me want to blog about them too.
- Connect with people and have good conversations!
- Start something new that you've always thought about. Be it exercise, a new hobby, or something else. When you're in a regular routine, adding new things is hard. But when you're on a break, it's the best time to try new things and eventually incorporate them into your regular routine.
Stepping away from your blog for a bit is always the first thing you should do. This applies to any aspect of life that isn't working. It will give you the time and space to heal and figure out why it's not working.

Taking a break is well and good, but what after that?
1. read several other blogs
One of the best ways to get inspiration and new ideas is to read other blogs. Other mediums of content will help too but blogs are the closest to your hobby so they'll help the most.
Reading blogs can help in 3 major ways:
- You will get inspired. When you read a lot of content and opinions, you will eventually have something to say on those topics as well. Or you might think of a related topic to write a post on. I mentioned in my Q&A post that an unlikely source of inspiration for me are blog posts in other niches. Consuming similar content is one of the best ways to come up with ideas.
- You will become familiar (again) with how blog posts are written. If you're lost on how to start with or structure a blog post, this will massively help. Reading several different types of blog posts with different writing styles will give you tons of ideas.
- It will get the conversation started in your mind. I'm not sure about you, but I find blogging to be a never-ending conversation about different things. When I read words from other bloggers, it's like I'm talking to them, and it makes me want to talk/blog as well.
Instead of simply reading, make sure to comment as much as you can. Several bloggers have written entire posts out of their comments in response to other blog posts. There is no pressure when commenting under blog posts so you will find it easier to write your thoughts there. And you might find that you have enough to say to write an entire post.
2. read your blog
I've seen many bloggers say that they don't know how to blog anymore after a slump or a break. It has happened to me too. It can be hard because you might have forgotten how to start a post or what your process was. You might feel like you need to build yourself back up to where you left off and that thought can be intimidating.
As you're reading blogs, open up your blog and read it too. A lot of bloggers don't think of this as something helpful but, trust me, it is.
Some direct benefits of reading your posts:
- You will become familiar (again) with your blogging voice. All of us have distinct blogging voices and they are generally different from how we speak in regular conversation. Reading your blog posts will get you thinking that way again.
- You will remember how you like to structure your posts. Blog posts are basically structured one-sided conversations. And bloggers generally have a specific way of starting and structuring posts. (For example, I like to start posts as if we're already in the middle of a conversation and a new post is simply a new topic.) By realizing these things, you will find it easier to write your next post.
- You might get ideas to update your posts and that is blogging. Updating old posts gets you back into writing again and will make it easier to write more in a new post.
Reading your own posts works wonders to get back into blogging but it can also help you otherwise.
In fact, I read my posts even when I'm in the middle of another post. If I'm stuck on writing a section, I open an older related post of mine and read that section. It gets the words flowing in my mind.

3. write daily
This has to be the best thing I've ever tried to get back into blogging so far. This tip is the reason I'm writing this post.
After my blogging slump in 2021, I was ready to blog on The Wordy Habitat again but the empty editor was intimidating. Even though I knew what to write about, the thought of my content after the slump not being on par compared to older content intimidated me. I kept writing lines and deleting them because they weren't good enough.
It got me thinking about the time when I posted content without such expectations. If I had to pick my best quantity content days during my blogging journey, I would definitely say my first few months. I used to post once or even twice a day.
That daily blogging process was vital to my journey. So I thought, why not try it again?
I gave myself some more time off The Wordy Habitat and started daily blogging on a new anon blog. It became my dumping ground. My goal was to publish a post every day. I did not care about topics, structure, or even capitalization and proper grammar. Within 2 weeks of daily blogging, I had a new post up on this blog after a long slump.
If you don't want to create another blog, you can write in your journal, a notes app, a Word document, or elsewhere. The point is to write something every day.
Reasons why you should write daily too:
- It helps you hone your blogging voice. Indeed, quality matters more than quantity. But I say that blogging requires a bunch of quantity before you can write high-quality content easily. Many good bloggers have been blogging for years and there's a reason why.
- It builds a writing habit. When you're used to writing every day, writing for your main blog one of those days is nothing new. Your mind will be ready with words whenever you open the editor.
- You can try out new types of content. Trying new post topics, structures, or writing styles on your main blog can be intimidating. But that pressure is not there out of the blog. Try new things while you write daily and it might be worth posting on your main blog.
- You will learn about yourself. Through daily blogging, I learnt about what inspires me easily and in what situations I write best. Remember the titbit I shared earlier about how I like to start posts as if we're already in conversation? I realized that while daily blogging.

Daily dump blogging or writing somewhere else is one of the best ways to get back into writing without the pressures and rules of your blog. In fact, I suggest this even if you're not in a writing or blogging slump.
4. do something blog-related that is not writing/content creation
Saying this after the previous point sounds hypocritical but I'm here to give you several options and this is one of them.
Doing something tangential for the blog can get you excited about your blog. We can debate about whether it counts as blogging or not but it definitely helps.
Here are some things you can do:
- Reply to comments on your blog.
- Share your blog posts on social media.
- Update sidebar and footer content.
- Do some maintenance tasks.
- Check and respond to emails related to your blog.
The goal of this is to get used to working on your blog again. During slumps, we tend to not do much with our blogs and hence they can feel a little alien to us after a while. Doing small things for the blog can make it feel yours again.
5. write an easy post
Sometimes, you just have to force yourself to write. But do it gently.
One way to get back into blogging after a slump is to dive headfirst into a new post and not think too much about it. Try to
An "easy post" would be something that you don't have to think too much about when writing it. What it exactly means can be different for different people.
Some posts that you may find easy:
- Tags. Blog tags are fun and easy to write. They are questions that one has to answer in a blog post. It is low stakes, low effort, high personal content and has a higher potential of engagement.
- Lists. These are quite easy to write as well, as long as you know what to write about. For inspiration, you can hop through lists on other blogs and make your own list on the same topics. Posts like Top Ten Tuesdays are fun and liked by most people.
- Blogging/life update. Writing about yourself can be quite easy and is a great post to make a comeback with. You can write about where you've been, why you were in a slump, and what you did during the time off. You can also give any suggestions or tips if you've learnt something during that time.
- Recent favourite books/media. This is another low stakes, low effort, and high engagement potential post. Write a casual post of what you've loved recently.
- Monthly wrap-ups. Monthly wrap-ups can be specific like reading wrap-ups or general wrap-ups of everything. It is similar to blogging/life update posts but can be restricted to specific topics if you don't want to talk about everything. Here are some monthly wrap-up ideas that you can try.
If not one of the above, think about what type of post you find effortless and write that. We all have some types of content that are easier to write compared to others. Starting with them can make your comeback to blogging less intimidating.

6. change your blogging routine
I mentioned earlier that doing the same things will produce the same results. Trying the same blogging routine that is putting you into or keeping you in a slump will not magically get you excited again.
Reviving the old routine is actually HARDER than creating an entirely new routine. It will also demotivate you every time it doesn't work.
Changing your blogging routine—or anything related to it—can get you out of your slump. The difference might seem weird or uncomfortable in the beginning but you will make an effort to adjust and that will help greatly.
Here are some things that you can change in your routine:
- Change your writing process. If you're used to opening the editor and directly writing a post, try outlining or preparing in advance. If you're a planner, try winging it. This will force you to think differently and can help.
- Change your timing. Try blogging on different days of the week and at different times in the day. Try sneaking in blogging during your breaks. Even 10 minutes of measly writing can jumpstart your motivation.
- Change your environment. Instead of writing at home, go to a coffee shop or a friend's house and blog from there. Change the orientation of your table or room. Change the beverage that you drink while blogging. If you're used to listening to music, try writing without it.
- Change your structure. If you're used to writing blog posts in a certain structure, switch it up! Try new book review formats, or change the layout of your posts.
Take a minute to think about all the things that affect your headspace when you sit down and blog. Try changing at least two of those things. Change them even if you think they help you. Maybe that change will lead to other changes that will help you even more.
7. change the theme of your blog
Aesthetics make a huge difference in motivation. I have come back from blogging slumps at least twice by changing my blog's theme.
Having a new theme is exciting. You get to try new layouts, new looks and colours, and it prompts you to think about what content would fit that aesthetic. A new theme can push you to post just to get people to see your beautiful new blog look.
Changing your theme might require you to update older posts so that they look proper with the new theme and that indirectly pushes you to blog as well.
Never underestimate the power of rebranding and switching things up. This applies to other facets of life as well, not just blogging. Honestly, my blog aesthetic contributes a lot to my overall motivation.
Some cool free WordPress themes you can look at:
8. make a new blog
Sometimes, slumps occur because you don't like your current blog anymore and that's okay!
It is normal for us to grow out of our content and niches as we grow in life. We may not like what we write about or how we present ourselves online anymore. This can especially happen if you started blogging at a young age.
If you're new here, I actually started this blog anew after 5 years of blogging under other domains. My last blog put me into a slump because it did not match my current self anymore. After a lot of reflection, I started afresh with this blog and it was the best decision.
It can be hard to let go of what you've built so far to start over. Your blog probably has a ton of content, readership, and even SEO ranking. But remember this: you won't be starting over from scratch, you will be starting over with experience. You can reach the point of your current blog much faster because of all that you know and have learnt.
A new blog might seem like the worst idea when you're already struggling to get back to blogging after a slump. But it might be just the thing you need. Imagine all the potential and possibility of a new blog and what it can let you be. Dream a little. And then decide if you want to go for it.

in summary
8 ways to get back to blogging after a blogging slump:
- Read other blogs.
- Read your own blog.
- Write daily.
- Do something blog-related that is not writing/content creation.
- Write an easy post.
- Change your blogging routine.
- Change the theme of your blog.
- Make a new blog.
There are definitely more ways to get back to blogging after a slump but these are the ones that have worked for me and hence the only ones the I can sign off on.
Instead of trying one of the above points and expecting it to definitely work, try them one by one. The first might work a little bit and the second one might make you publish a post. You never know until you try.
And most importantly, you don't have to return to blogging ASAP. Take your time. Extend your hiatus, try different mediums of content, explore new things, and then come back to blogging. In the end, it is a hobby and is worth the effort only if it makes you happy.
If you want to talk about any of these suggestions, have questions, or simply want to rant about how you've forgotten how to blog, feel free to DM me on Twitter or Instagram. Talking about your process with someone else may give you new ideas too.

be wordy with me!
As I said earlier, one of the best places to start a conversation and get the words flowing is the comment section. You can start here!
Have you been through a blogging slump before? How did you get out of it? Do you have any tips or suggestions for other bloggers?
Or, are you here because you're currently in a slump? What do you think caused it? Are you going to try any of the methods I mentioned?

oh my gosh, you're RIGHT!? this is so true and I am so thankful for you pointing it out. This is such a helpful post, thank you for the quality content, Sumedha!
You're welcome, Kal! Glad you liked it!