book recommendations, blogging tips, & asian dramas

Welcome to the resource library!

Acting as the knowledge base of The Wordy Habitat, this library contains helpful resources for everyone.

These resources are made by me for your individual usage. They may not be shared elsewhere.


The files are saved on Google Drive. On clicking the button below, the file will open in Drive and you can download it from there.

Book Review Checklist

A handy checklist to make sure you're not missing anything when writing book reviews for your blog. Companion resource for this post.

Blog Post Pre-Publish Checklist

A general blog post checklist which will help you not miss anything when writing new posts. Includes formatting, admin tasks etc.

Pinterest Templates

A set of eye-catching 8 Pinterest templates with multiple styles. Easily use them by just replacing the text and images. 

Notion blog post template

A Notion template to help you write amazing blog posts. Includes everything a blog post needs, except SEO things. (Companion to this blog post)

Notion Blog Post Template with SEO

A Notion template to help you write amazing blog posts. Includes sections for everything required, including SEO. (Companion to this blog post)

Media Kit Template

A minimalistic and professional media kit template that you can easily edit. Set up your own media kit in minutes with this. Includes 2 pages.

Weekly Blog Maintenance Tasks Checklist

Important weekly tasks that will keep your blog in good shape. Takes about 1 hour every week if you do as much as me!

Monthly Blog Maintenance Tasks Checklist

Be on top with your blog using this monthly tasks checklist. Includes all the important ones that you should do.

Social Media for Bloggers Info and Tips

Which social platform should you use for your blog? Here's a bit on the best ones with what you should concentrate on and how they help.

Blog Focus Guide

There are 5 areas that you need to focus on to grow your blog well. Use this guide as a reference to keep yourself on track and grow.

Book Review Prompts

Follow these prompts and a wonderful book review will be written by the end. Perfect for new and experienced reviewers.

Monthly Blog Report Notion Template

Use my Notion template to make quick monthly blog reports for yourself which will help you with info & tracking in the long run!

My 2022 Pinterest Stats & Notes

I focused on growing my Pinterest account in 2022 and succeeded in growing it from 1k monthly views to 195k monthly views. Check out the graphs & my notes!

bullet journalling

The files are saved on Google Drive. On clicking the button below, the file will open in Drive and you can download it from there.

31 End-of-Year Journal Prompts

Reflect on the year in December and be ready for the next year with 31 journalling prompts.

Bullet Journal Setup Checklist

A printable checklist to ensure that you have all the necessary spreads when setting up your bullet journal.


In order to preserve the quality of the images, I have uploaded them to Google Drive. On clicking the buttons below, the Drive files will open from where you can download the high resolution images.

illusttration art of a closed book with a bookmark, an open laptop, a cup of tea and sunglasses nearby.

I hope this resource library is helpful to you!

If you're enjoying the freebies, do share your thoughts on your social media platforms so that more people can find them! 

This blog and resource library takes a lot of time (and money since I'm self-hosted) to run. If you enjoy my content, please consider buying me a coffee in appreciation! (All currencies are accepted)

Have any feedback, suggestions or requests? Email me at or DM me on Twitter/Instagram (@thewordyhabitat).

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