book recommendations, blogging tips, & asian dramas


my name is sumedha. i'm an avid reader, book blogger, asian drama binger, and tea lover.

Sumedha's Story


My blogging journey started on a random day in January 2016 with an (embarrassing) blog name and an anonymous persona. Since then, I've grown and changed my blog to grow with me.


I'm a software engineer by day and a blogger by night (and my eyes do NOT thank me for the screen time). I post about three main categories in this blog and share other musings in my newsletter.


Although all the content on this blog is written by me and documents my passions, my aim is to maintain it as an open and friendly space where each post is basically a friendly chat between you and me.

quick facts

I'm an organizational junkie (Notion is my saviour to manage blogging), romance book lover, lo-fi music listener, and a part-time artist (all the illustrations on this blog are made by me!).

what my friends say about me

I'm curt, decisive, put-together, and get obsessed with the most random things (I loved watching slime videos on Instagram at one point). One of my internet friends said that I'm too sane to be on Twitter—that line describes my personality on the internet.

what about you?

support the mayor by keeping her stocked with books & tea!

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